
Labor Day is right around the corner and an outdoor party seems like a great way to celebrate. If you’re anything like us, we are always looking for a way to gather outdoors with friends and family. In this blog post, I’m sharing The Ultimate Labor Day Party Ideas that you can save and reference to bring some of these ideas to life.

Setting The Tone

For me, its always about setting the tone for the day. I love decorating, especially for the holidays and my husband Joe and I love entertaining. We are always up for a fun gathering. Here are some really cool decor ideas for your Labor Day party.


For table settings, I enjoy following the typical color scheme, but not with traditional Labor Day styled decor. Instead, I would opt for a table cloth like this one. It still has the Labor Day influence, but a little less predictable. Linking a similar table cloth HERE. Also, if possible a wood table adds a nice touch as well. I’m also adding a carousel below for odds and ends such as utensil holders, plates, cups and any other fun items to add to set the tone. You will notice that I decided to go with Carnival style plates. I think they add a fun spin.

We have found that utilizing party tents really adds a nice touch. Not only does it look nice, but also provides an area for seating that isn’t in the direct sunlight. If you have the space to accommodate a tent, then I highly recommend one, even if its just a small one.

The Food

When it comes to the food, take it in whatever direction you choose. But for us, we often like to bring our east coast Rochester, New York favorites to Arizona. It’s also fun and great conversation to share hometown favorites with your guests. For us, we like to do Hot Dogs and Hamburgers for most of our gatherings. When we go this route, we order our favorite Hot Dogs from Rochester. There are two different types we get, Red and White. Have you ever tried a white hot dog? If not, I highly recommend it.

To accompany the hotdogs, we use the typical Ketchup and Mustard, but also our special hot sauce from home. It looks a little risky, but it does not disappoint. We have a family recipe for it, but if we aren’t up for cooking it, we will just buy it from the same place we order the hot dogs from. Linking all of those on each photo in the carousel for you.

Cooking & Storage

As many of you have seen in previous posts, we actually own a movie theater popcorn machine and love it. We get so much use out of it. Those are fun to have as well, but I also thought it would be fun to theme the decor carnival or festival style. You may have noticed this with the plate choices I linked in the photo carousel above. But how fun is to have this hot dog machine for cooking and storing the hot dogs, but also this adds a nice touch to the decor. What’s nice about this, is one person doesn’t have to sit at a grill and cook all day, the hot dogs cook in the machine. It also stores the buns as well and keeps them warm. I found a pretty affordable version and they can obviously be re used at all party’s including kids birthday parties.

Whenever we make hot dogs and hamburgers, we like to make our own homemade macaroni salad and pasta salad. It goes well with everything else. You can create a fresh salad for vegans and vegetarians as well. I personally enjoy creating a really nice charcuterie board. Those are always a big hit. Here is a photo i sourced from Pinterest for some inspiration. Linking the board HERE.

What’s For Desert?

When it comes to the desert, something light and fresh seems to be a big hit. Sometimes a simple fruit charcuterie board or platter will be perfect. Popsicles for the kids are nice, and they even have those fun spiked popsicles for the adults that are always a big favorite. We have even used Jell-O shots before too. The adults all loved those and said they hadn’t had a Jell-O shot since college. I have also sourced a great recipe ( for a lady finger, strawberry short cake that looks amazing. I will share a link to the recipe HERE.

No matter which direction you go, the biggest thing for us is that we like to keep it simple but somewhat creative. Pinterest is always a great resource for inspiration. I have many boards specific for getting inspired in all aspects of life. Let me know if you want me to add you to any of the boards. Leave me a message in the comments.

In the meantime, have fun! I hope you all enjoy your Labor Day festivities. Share with me in the comments some of your favorite Labor Day decor and ideas.



Danielle Valiente